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Challenges & Requirements

The retail and service industry has transformed with advancements in technology. Everything from the cash register to self-order kiosks has a computer inside that processes payments and orders. For businesses, data protection is a key priority, thus requiring applications that are well-protected against data loss and hacking. For the day-to-day operations, these applications need to avoid system crashes and computing errors as well, and in the case of outdoor systems, safeguard against unstable power supply.

The same requirements exist for entertainment machines in casinos and arcades. These machines process data quickly and should be protected from any tampering by unauthorized third parties.

Retail, Service & Entertainment


Cervoz understands the customers’ business needs and has an entire series of Flash modules to support them. The products not only use the most advanced 3D NAND technology and high-quality components, but have write-protection hardware designed to safeguard data as well as the Cervoz FlashMonitor to keep track of each product's life expectancy and get notifications of its health in advance of any major issues. These technologies complement the memory and storage products to perform at the highest level for the fast-paced world of retail, service and entertainment.


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Date File Name Capacity
2023.08.04 PoE+ Ethernet Expansion Card_V1.0 1.60 MB
2023.02.20 M.2 NVMe SSD 2.20 MB
2022.07.21 Cervoz Product Catalog_Rev2.0 13.51 MB
2022.07.21 FlashMonitor 0.53 MB